Report a Lost\Stolen Credit or Debit Card

Members should report a lost/stolen credit card by contacting 1-800-449-7728 after regular business hours. If you are registered to view your Visa account online, you can report your lost/stolen credit card by clicking the “Lost or Stolen” tab on the right hand side menu. Members should report a lost/stolen debit…

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New Mobile Banking App is Available

The credit union has completed our computer conversion and our new online banking now is available on either the Android or Apple mobile banking app. To download the app, do to the Apple Store or Google Play and search for New Castle Bellco FCU. The direct URL links are:…

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It’s Free!

New Castle Bellco FCU wants to invest in your child’s future.  Open a new savings account for a child (child, grandchild, niece or nephew) and the credit union will deposit the first $25 into their new account.  Start early and build a strong financial future for your children. 

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Credit Union Membership

Credit union membership at New Castle Bellco FCU is open to all who live, work or worship in Lawrence County. Family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers are eligible to join the credit union. If you work for or know of a company that does not belong to a credit union,…

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